The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: strategy

A sense of being attached

People’s relationship with results usually is a form of attachment. For some, reaching the result

Satisfaction and its opposite

According to the MacMillan dictionary the prefix “dis” is “used with some nouns, verbs, and

Resistance and engagement

When a leader encounters resistance to change, his first task will be to explore what

Looking good

It may seem to be the same thing, but it isn’t. Delivering something that one

Choosing why

It works all the time. When doing something, you are choosing why you are doing

Learning as a social process

Whenever people come together there is the possibility to learn from one another. Quite often

Noticing small differences

Writing emails is something I’ve become accustomed to. But the way I write emails is

Because it is there

Asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest, the British explorer George Mallory is said

When competition helps

Watching a few kids play, we all suddenly noticed how two of them had entered

a challenge in the moment - golf

The dynamic of life

One of the easiest exercises is to scan the web for methods or explanations of

Suspend business

Taking up a task, it is easy to become so focused on that task, that