The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: responsibility

The value of plans

One can use plans to have something to follow and know what to do at

When it isn’t an opposite

Recently I had the opportunity to learn about some research done by colleagues. They were

Talking about others

It often is a good idea to think about a given situation with others. They’ll

Favoring arguments

Whenever there is some kind of pressure within the team, there is a good chance,

Becoming an activist

Recently a colleague shared with me how a vast number of young people engaging themselves

Wanting change

The desire for things to be different from what they are is probably limitless. And

Not knowing

It is easy to rely on what we know or on our competence. But there

The green stuff

After a long workday, Jack had cooked a soup for both of them and they

A sense of relief

One day Jay decided to leave the team. Until then, there had been a few

Waiting for an answer

Many questions don’t have an answer. And others may not be receiving an answer. Sometimes

The sense of urgency

Jason was focusing on developing his team. He saw his role as one where he

Risks or opportunities

Risks can be named and described, consequently, it seems to be easy to prevent them