The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

Learning from errors

Everyone makes errors, and everyone can learn from his errors. It’s true. But it doesn’t

Co-creation and judgment

Emil was describing how Henry, one of his team colleagues, had become overly dependent during

Gaining Comfort

The more opportunities and choices there are, the more difficult things become. That is if

Assuming support

In a recent conversation, a colleague talked about stimulations like sounds that could be very


Max Weber, a renowned German sociologist, popularized the term “bureaucratic” to describe a specific type

Automatic pilot

Who hasn’t found himself going from point A to point B to then wonder what

The attraction of problems

The way Western medicine most often works is to wait until a patient is ill,

Creating Safe Space

Any time a concept becomes known it takes time until it becomes one that is

Being free

Thinking about the power of seeing one another, Sawubona came back to mind. When using

One best way

“Believing there is one best way to structure organizations is the worst way to manage

Paying attention

Whatever happens, people pay attention to something. Attention is there. The real question is, what