The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

The past and the future

When discussing the idea of being present to the here and now there is the

Choosing a position

It may be difficult to choose a position and stand by it. That’s because it

A barometer for conversations

During the day I’ll have a variety of conversations. All of them are different. I’ve


Every profession has a context that impacts one’s thinking and the approach one has to

Reciprocal trust

A hypothesis: Trust is the ability to let go of one’s assumption to know, assume

Doing deals

For years I’ve been a member of JCI. It’s an organization I’ve always appreciated because

Good decisions

A useful way to look at decisions is to assume that when they’ve been made,

Impact of accountability

“Recognition Hunger” has been described by Eric Berne in Transactional Analysis (TA) as serving our

The underlying trend

Rohan shared a quote on his blog: “People don’t communicate to each other on social

Good and bad

It’s an interesting challenge. Meditation teaches us to take emotions and thoughts as they pass