The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: framework

Pressure is all around

Michael Bungay Stanier has been working for quite a while on how to find a

The balcony

A friend shared earlier how spending the last two weeks without his kids gave him

Groups and family

Human beings are born into groups: their family. That’s where they start their life experience

Defining leadership

Like so many of the ideas we are confronted with, leadership is an idea in

Failing into advice mode

A lot of the work being published is about methods and ways to achieve things.

Owning the agenda

In principle meetings always have an agenda. Owning the agenda is different. It is shaping

Settling on objectives

One of the fascinating things in life is how many ways we have to describe


When leaders make decisions. When coaches intervene in a coaching conversation. When parents ask their

Getting to a story

“A critical task of science is to provide clear nomenclature – precise terms that sharpen

Knowing others

In a recent post on LinkedIn Ray Dalio talked about the PrinciplesYou assessment instrument he’s