The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: curiosity

Developing meaning

Often, we’ll find ourselves in situations that we cannot make sense of. At first, the

Details in Difference

Rose and Tim were discussing their project. The ideas were going back and forth, and

The attraction of problems

The way Western medicine most often works is to wait until a patient is ill,


While observing events, other people, or oneself, a lot of information comes up. But what

Urgent matters

The Eisenhower matrix is a well-known instrument to assist in making decisions. What it does

Awareness and spontaneity

Stephen Covey once said: “Our ultimate freedom is a function of our decisions, not our

Being free

Thinking about the power of seeing one another, Sawubona came back to mind. When using

The art of not reading

Arthur Schopenhauer meditated on reading books and highlighted the “art of not reading” as an

Attached to thoughts

In less than a second, Google find more than 27 million articles linked to the

Enjoying luck

There is a serious chance that when trying something, it will work. Adding consistency, it

The power of not knowing

Not knowing is far from knowing nothing. It can, for example, mean not knowing what