The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: choice

Letting it in

Predictability is rare these days. It’s clear that tomorrow will come. What’s not clear, is


Some words are automatically perceived as negative, but not only that, they become an idea

Solutions or Results

A solution is what you sell. A result is what a customer expects. The solution

Applying a strategy

Strategy is a weird thing. It works best when you don’t push it. It works

Words to avoid

In their effort to belong, people will seek to have a behavior that corresponds to

This or that

The word “or” indicates the possibility to choose. Take for example the invitation to choose

Reaching out

Jane was relieved. She had reached out to share how she had been shaken by

The unexpected and the expected

As lockdown progresses across the world, diversity once again becomes visible. Watching the news we

Promises and expectations

It’s easy to confuse promises and expectations. In a way, both are quite similar as

Power games

Most often, the power games we’ll be noticing are the ones where someone who has