The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: awareness


The most difficult person to be aware of is oneself. That is, anytime there is

Signal or information

Traffic lights are signals. We’ve learned to drive when it’s green and to stop when

Resistance is a data point

Well, yes, naturally, there is more to resistance than being a data point. And yet,


Criticizing oneself may seem like the desire to learn or change. But what it does,

Seeing an alternative

Reactions are, most often, limited by what people are reacting to. If someone decides to

Making choices

In a recent blog post, the photographer David duChemin asks the question “What lens should

Resistance and obligation

When discipline feels like an obligation or when it is obligation that invites you into

About comparing

Lately Rohan from A learning a day shared two learnings related to comparing. At first

Life goes on

There is nothing wrong with being attached to something. However, attachment can lead to feeling

Tensions are a signal

When there is tension in the room people will often back off. It’s an uncomfortable

Seeing ourselves

When giving other people feedback people will sometimes find themselves confronted with incredulous looks. It