The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: awareness

Missed the shot

A lot of golfers are obsessed with their swing. They search for a way to

What got you here

In an article entitled “Real Work” Abraham Zaleznik describes how in the 1930s “researchers, academics,

Investing time

One of the remarkable aspects of golf is the distribution of activities. The better someone

Seeing beyond

It seems easy to see one’s objectives, but people have marvelous ways to hide them

It makes sense

During a very insightful with a coaching colleague, he kindly took a moment to inquire

Detecting lies

Recently I received an invitation to a training suggesting that I should learn to detect

Defined Success

People want to be successful. However, while the desire is present, the ability to describe

It’s clear, isn’t it?

To me, the idea that clarity can be reached in an exchange with others is

Developing transparency

A few days ago, I was in a conversation with a peer. His team had

Rules and Norms

Rules define how to play a game. A norm could then be described as the